SAP TechEd

Where ideas get real.

After just two days, you will leave better equipped with the skills to tackle challenges and find the solutions to bring your ideas to life. Learn about the latest advances in technologies including generative AI, developer tools, and best practices for using SAP’s leading solutions to ensure you have the skills to stay relevant and the knowledge to remain one step ahead.

Join us for our high-energy, interactive virtual event experience, accessible to everyone. Build new skills and learn about SAP product innovations, industry trends, and best practices. Take away skills and inspiration to help you meet business challenges with agility and advance your organization and career.

New this year:

  • Deeper engagement with leading SAP global experts and peers
  • Live lecture sessions and Jump-Start sessions for enhanced learning opportunities
  • “Watch and code parties” for in-person engagement and networking

All streaming content will align conveniently with EMEA and North American time zones.


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